Our Texas Roots
Photos - Chance | Wilson | Duncan | Gregg

Chance|Wilson|DuncanReynolds | JacksonFavors|Winston|Whitesid

Bessie Creighton of Denison Texas
Roberta, Eva, Will, Rudolph Gregg
Rudolph John Gregg - 1907-1978
Rudolph and Hettie Gregg
Mollie Alexander Hinson Chance 1865-1949
Solomon Chance
Solomon Chance 1861-abt 1920
Mary Jane, Willie, Annie Curry, Denison, Texas 1924
Willie Chance and friends Denison, TX 1924
Willie Gregg and Ms. Sterling - Bonham, TX 1926
Lonnie Wilson (Son of Edward) 1909-1989
Maggie Chance and Eddie Mae Wilson - Denison, TX
Mary Jane Walker Duncan - 1907-1999
Willie Chance's Store - Place & Yr. Unknown
Edward Wilson - 1896-1945
Mary Jane Walker & George Duncan - Omaha, NE
Eula Mae Chance Wilson 1887-1963
Lola Wilson
Mary Jane Duncan & school or  church group
Willie Chance - 1885-1959
Alice Duncan Anderson  1929-1954
Annie Curry
Wilma Naomi Duncan Lumpkins 1930-2010
Wilma Naomi Duncan Lumpkins 1930-2010
Ronald Lumpkins 1929-2000 Wilma Naomi Duncan Lumpkins 1930-2010
This page was last updated: October 5, 2013